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Stone Flooring, Walls and Staircases
Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center

The museum and education center features 23 galleries and theatres, which allow guests to learn about the history of our 1st President, George Washington. Rugo’s involvement included furnishing and installing all the stone flooring, walls, and staircases. We also provided all of the stone engravings, which features many locations of hand-cut “V” groove letters, and a significant sized donor wall.

The donor wall was engraved on-site with a combination of hand-cut “V” groove cursive letters and hundreds of donor names. This on-site mobilization was extremely challenging as the finished wall needed to be impeccably accurate for alignment and letter kerning. As such, this project has received the 2007 WBC craftsmanship award for interior stone.

Location: Alexandria, VA
Completion: 2007
Owner: George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate
Architect: MFM Design
General Contractor: Turner Construction
4,500 sqft
Services: Graphic Design, Consultation, CNC Fabrication, Engraving, Installation

Driven by Passion. Dedicated to Excellence.

We lend a sophisticated aesthetic and world-class expertise to large scale and special projects. Clients include religious, civic, cultural and educational institutions, public agencies, private developers, major corporations, and individuals.