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Maryland 9-11 Memorial

Rugo was approached by our trusted client of 25 years, Whiting Turner, to join the design-assist team in the development of this memorial dedicated to the casualties of 911. The challenge was the project’s rapid turnaround. We had four months to make the deadline for 911’s 10th anniversary.

Rugo worked closely with the project architect to select and quarry massive solid blocks of Vermont Imperial Danby marble, and have them fabricated into 5’x5’x5′ cubes with their back hollowed out to accept the poured in place concrete support pedestal.

The massive marble plinth supports an actual salvaged and twisted structural steel column, to demonstrate the severity of 911. Rugo hand-cut over a hundred detailed hand-cut letters on the marble, which provided remembrance to those involved in the tragedy. We considered our involvement an honor, a patriotic duty to our country, and the State of Maryland. We accomplished this challenge on time, and the memorial, as planned, was dedicated on the 10th anniversary of 911.

Location: Baltimore, MD
Completion: 2011
Owner: Maryland Port Administration
Architect: Ziger Snead Architects
General Contractor: The Whiting Turner Contracting Company
4,000 sqft
Services: Design, fabricate, engrave, and install 9-11 memorial stone work

Driven by Passion. Dedicated to Excellence.

We lend a sophisticated aesthetic and world-class expertise to large scale and special projects. Clients include religious, civic, cultural and educational institutions, public agencies, private developers, major corporations, and individuals.