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Marble Pedestal Design
President Ronald Reagan Capitol Rotunda Statue

This prestigious project, mentored by Mrs. Nancy Reagan, was an honor for us to be a part of. This statue sits in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda; the Rugo team designed and engineered a custom steel support system for the stone assembly. The Tennessee Rose marble pedestal included a narrow band of concrete pieces from the Berlin Wall in between the die and the cornice, with the front of the pedestal, is inscribed with President Reagan’s name, his life dates, and the state name California with hand V-Cut letters. On both sides are bronze reliefs, which are the seals of the office that President Reagan held. Inscribed below are his terms of service, and a bronze plaque on the rear of the pedestal bears a quotation from one of President Reagan’s speeches.

Location: Washington, DC
Completion: 2012
Owner: United States Government
Architect: McCrery Architects PLLC / Mr. Chas Fagen Sculptor
General Contractor: Rugo Stone LLC
Services: Design, Engineering, Consultation, Cubic CNC Fabrication, Installation

Driven by Passion. Dedicated to Excellence.

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